Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Salam to all readers.
Today I become an "Arbaie Bujang Kembali' bcoz my wife went to Teluk Batik, participated in Pengakap camping. From today to this Friday. Arghh...I'm alone to take care of Icha. So, I need to finish all my works before go back home. Brrr........

What a hectic day. I got 3 classes today. 2 for Biologies and 1 for science.

Hari ni aku bengang gile. Masa kelas Bio form 4 (which class?maaf le, malas nk mention here), I asked the student to continue last week presentation. So, they done very well eventhough hardly to understand what they present. But they experience what we (teachers) feel everyday. Then byk rungutan drpd pelajar2, minta aku re-explain apa yg dh dibentangkan. So, aku buat overview je la. revise dlm masa singkat coz masa nk hbs. Then ada 2,3 org boys bersembang. Aku dengar, tp aku buat don't know. Ada beberapa org gurls bunyikan 'shh...' beberapa kali tp xdihiraukan. Aku biar je kejap, tp still bersembang. Tahap kesabaran aku dh dicabar, aku pandang je kt boys 2. Lama. then baru aku sound. Apa lg, start la sesi ceramah free. Hahaha...xpenah aku marah budak smp cmtu. Geram beb.

Urm, aku pesan kt diorg, jgn ulang lagi attitude yg sebegitu. Kalau x, sendiri mau ingat la.

Argh, tension bila ingat2 balik.

Ok, these are another notes for form 4. Form 5 wait aaaaa.......

4.5 Enzymes

4.6 the Importance of the Chemical

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