Monday, November 10, 2008

LESSON 070: The Time Has Come...

Assalamualaikum...........salam 4 everyone.

I think the most critical time is just around the corner. Tomorrow, all SPM candidates will seat their SPM 2008 exam. I hope they will do their very best!!!

Pagi td, saya hadirkan diri utk taklimat sbg pengawas xm SPM di SMK Seri Teja. This is my very 1st time nk jadi pengawas xm. Huhuhu....drpd 9 org, saya la satu2nya unexperience. Xpe...xpe...xkisah pn.

Rajin2 la study...mcm Che'gu (hehehehe...)

So, esok paper BM 1, Sejarah 1 dan BM 2. To all SPM candidates....GOOD LUCK!!!

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